zondag 10 juli 2011


Summer vacation makes lives easier.

Pictures are made with a HTC something something.

Don't let them get you alive,

vrijdag 8 juli 2011

08-07-2011 (2)

Party portraits.

Pictures taken with my Nikon D70.

Don't let them get you alive,


Long time, no speak.

Recent updates:
-I've been to Germany
-My HTC Desire is (temp.) broken
-You can now read my recent updates on Twitter
-I have at this moment a huge hangover

Pictures made with a Nikon D50.

Don't let them get you alive,

vrijdag 27 mei 2011


I don't believe in good or bad people.
People are just people.
The things they do are either good or evil, but that don't make them good or evil themselves.
Think about it. Did you ever do something bad? Probably yes.
Are you evil?
Guess not.


Picture made at 'Instituut voor beeld & geluid' at Hilversum.
Crappy cameras they have there, oh boy.

Don't let them get you alive,

donderdag 26 mei 2011


I'm always scared to fall in love.

But I think I just did.

Pictures are made with Windows Lifeframe.

Don't let them get you alive,

vrijdag 6 mei 2011


It doesn't matter where you are,
It matters with who you are there.

Don't let them get you alive,